Explore Dr. Marcia Goddard's Expertise in Neuroscience
Dr. Marcia Goddard has been a prominent figure in various media outlets, where she has shared her insights and knowledge on the intricate workings of the brain. Her ability to simplify complex neurological concepts and make them accessible to the public has earned her widespread recognition and acclaim. Below, you'll find a selection of Dr. Marcia Goddard's appearances and contributions in the media.
In English
Race for Wellbeing Ep. 1
The Contentment Foundation is a globally operating (501c3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to bring indestructible wellbeing to one billion people within one generation. We do that firstly by going to schools with our Four Pillars of Wellbeing Curriculum, and secondly by working with large organizations worldwide, to help them solve the biggest culture challenges at every level of the organization.
Teach like a toddler: how to bring education in the 21st century | TEDxAmsterdamED
Marcia Goddard is a neuroscientist with a growth mindset and great thoughts about child development. Every child has multiple talents as long as you create conditions for growth. We should design education to enable this. How do we do that? Focus on the process, not the end result. Neuroscientist This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community
Why Use an Assessment Pre-interview | with Marcia Goddard | Equalture Academy
Neuroscientist and Equalture Advisory Board member Marcia Goddard provides insights into the advantages of pre-interview assessments, explaining how Equalture's approach, embraced by 89% of its users, enhances objectivity, reveals hidden talents, and minimizes biases in the hiring process.
The Benefits of Game-Based Assessments Compared to Traditional Formats | Equalture Academy
In this video, Neuroscientist Marcia Goddard, a member of Equalture's advisory board, introduces the advantages of game-based assessments over traditional ones, emphasizing their engaging, inclusive, and reliable nature, while addressing concerns related to age and gamer bias.
The Use of Psychometric Testing in Recruitment | With Marcia Goddard | Equalture Academy
In this video, neuroscientist Marcia Goddard, Equalture Advisory Board member, explores the role of psychometric assessments in improving hiring decisions. She discusses the limitations of traditional methods, emphasizes the importance of focusing on cognitive skills and behavior, and explains Equalture's innovative approach to reducing bias and discovering hidden talents.
The Use of Psychometric Testing in Recruitment | With Marcia Goddard | Equalture Academy
In this video, neuroscientist Marcia Goddard, Equalture Advisory Board member, explores the role of psychometric assessments in improving hiring decisions. She discusses the limitations of traditional methods, emphasizes the importance of focusing on cognitive skills and behavior, and explains Equalture's innovative approach to reducing bias and discovering hidden talents.
Ep #12 : Neuroscience for effective organizational change | Global Conversations SS3
In this conversation, Marcia Goddard, a neuroscientist and high-performance culture expert, discusses her career journey and her unique passion for Formula One racing. She explains the relevance of neuroscience in understanding behavior and culture in organizations, particularly the importance of psychological safety.
Building Bridges through Food
Cooking Back to Our Roots West Africa Episode 04 NL-EN
In this episode of Cooking Back to Our Roots, Dr. Marcia Goddard and Kemo Camara engage in a vibrant conversation with host Vivian Acquah about cultural identity, resilience, and the impact of Dutch slavery history on the African diaspora in the Netherlands. Dr. Goddard reflects on her bicultural background with roots in the Netherlands and Trinidad and Tobago, emphasizing the power of embracing one's heritage. Kemo Camara, originally from Guinea, shares his experiences with cultural adaptation and bicultural advantage, stressing the value of understanding and integrating different cultures
Pure Perspectives The Emotionally Intelligent Office
Pure Perspectives – The Emotionally Intelligent Office: Wellness at work is something that our founder Hannah Osborn is hugely passionate about. Listen to our conversation with Dr Marcia Goddard from the Contentment Foundation about the work she does in creating emotionally intelligent workplaces.
How can neuroscience insights drive psychological safety and high performance?
The Neuroscience of Inclusion: Marcia Goddard on Change and Culture
Marketing Without Realizing It With Dr. Marcia Goddard
When I reached out to Marcia to ask if she would be interested in talking about how she has marketed her business she wasn’t sure I was knocking on the right door.She told me she had never really had a marketing strategy and that most of her clients had come from referrals and inconsistent posting on LinkedIn. I replied to say that those things are actually marketing. And as it turns out, she has done many brilliant things to grow her business. She just wasn’t thinking about them as marketing.
Hiring in 2023: Rethinking Talent Shortage | WEBINAR (recording)
In this webinar, Charlotte Melkert (CEO of Equalture) talks to neuroscientist and Chief Culture Officer at The Contentment Foundation, Dr. Marcia Goddard, about hiring in 2023. BY 2050 there will be 95 million fewer people in the labour market, according to the UN's World Population Prospect. In a report published by the World Economic Forum, they estimate that 85 million existing jobs will be replaced in the next 3 years by new jobs. But how come the labour shortage is ever increasing? And what can we do to rethink and address the lack of candidates in our organisations?
Dr. Marcia Goddard supporting Peace One Day
Level Up Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in 2022
This #HumanizeTheWorkplace episode is about how to level up diversity, equity, and inclusion in 2022 together with the guest speakers Torin Ellis, Marcia Goddard and Sergio Panday.
Gamification in Recruitment | WEBINAR (recording)
In this webinar, together with our guests, we discussed everything around gamification in recruitment, why immersive assessments are able to generate better results, and the science behind gamified assessments. Our guest speakers for this webinar are: Dr. Marcia Goddard, neuroscientist, DE&I Expert, and Equalture's Advisory Board member with a focus on the scientific validation of game-based assessments; Florian Meister, Head of Talent Acquisition & Employer Branding at Temedica, who recently switched to using gamification.
How to Build Culture in the post-COVID world | WEBINAR (recording)
Creating a thriving company culture in a remote environment The global pandemic has had a huge impact on our daily lives and the way we work. Going to the office is not as obvious anymore as it used to be, and expected is that also post COVID-19, more and more things will happen online rather than offline.
In Dutch
Beluister de NPO 1 uitzending
Dr. Marcia Goddard bij Mediastorm
ESG Podcast #34 - ‘Gezien, gehoord en gerespecteerd’
Marcia Goddard is neurowetenschapper en deskundige op het gebied van diversity, equity en inclusion (DEI). Ze legt uit wat deze begrippen betekenen en hoe belangrijk ze in de dagelijkse praktijk zijn. “Het brein is neuroplastisch en kan zich daadwerkelijk aanpassen. Als je intrinsiek gemotiveerd bent om te veranderen dan kún je ook veranderen.”. Wel zo handig nu we voor grote transities staan.
Dikke Banden & Astrologie
Veranderen, hoe doe je dat succesvol? [WEBINAR met experts]
Waarom veranderen sommige bedrijven snel en moeiteloos, terwijl bij andere bedrijven niets van de grond komt?Wat doen we verkeerd als verandering mislukt en hoe stimuleer je verandering in een bedrijf? Zit wendbaarheid in je manier van werken of je manier van denken? Daarover gaat gastheer Remy Gieling tijdens dit webinar in gesprek met YoungCapital-oprichter Bram Bosveld en Marcia Goddard, neuropsycholoog bij &Ranj.
Moet solliciteren een verplicht vak worden op school?
Minicollege: Hersenpaden van autistische jongens verschillen
Dr. Marcia Goddard ontdekte dat de hersenen van 2 groepen jongens met symptomen van autisme verschillen. Dit is nooit eerder aangetoond. ‘Blijkbaar is er binnen het autisme spectrum op belangrijke punten variatie in de hersenmechanismen die tot bepaald gedrag leiden.’ Dit pleit voor behandeling op maat van kinderen met autistische symptomen, aldus de neuropedagoog.